Search Result for 'Health'

Health workers at GFA-sponsored medical camps teach families the importance of sleeping every night under a mosquito net and making sure they remove stagnant water around their homes to eliminate mosquito breeding grounds.

Gospel for Asia Takes Bite Out of Malaria

Gospel for Asia Announces Plans to Distribute 360,000+ Free Life-saving Mosquito Nets in 2019 as Part of Global Push to Curb Deadly Disease

WILLS POINT, TX – Leading faith-based humanitarian agency Gospel for Asia (GFA, today announced plans to distribute more than ...

Open-home-a-phobic: Someone who panics at the thought of fitting hospitality into a schedule jammed with deadlines, timelines and bottom lines.

Curing Openhomeaphobia

GFA Reports from the Field

WILLS POINT, TX - Gospel for Asia (GFA) - Discussing openhomeaphobia — its symptoms and remedies. Open-home-a-phobic, noun (op-en-hom-a-fo-bick) From ...

GFA-supported medical camps are bringing wellness to some of the 3.8 billion people in the world who lack access to basic health care.

Doctors at the Doorstep

GFA Featured Story: April 2019

“I see lots of people suffer and die because of various kinds of sicknesses,” says GFA-supported pastor Ganesh. “Most of ...

This lack of clean water is a recurring theme. Currently, 2.1 billion people live in water-stressed areas—areas that have no safely managed water services.

Villages in Danger

GFA Featured Story: April 2019

Green, vibrant and lush—all these describe Abhijun’s village of Lhepar, an agrarian community in Asia nestled among rolling hills and ...

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