Field Reports

What is Leprosy? For many, a cloud of mystery, fear and shame surrounds this disease. Why is it so feared, and how can we help those who contract it?

Leprosy: Misunderstandings and Stigma Keep it Alive (Part 1)

GFA Reports from the Field

WILLS POINT, TX – Gospel for Asia (GFA) Special Report (Part 1) – Discussing the misunderstandings and social stigma of leprosy that keep it alive, despite being a curable worldwide problem. Leprosy. For many, a cloud of mystery, fear and shame surrounds this disease. It’s...

Poverty and lack of education shackled most of these people on the tea gardens. The only way out for Aarush was an education, enabling him to get a better job outside the tea fields

Bicycling Toward a Brighter Future

GFA Reports from the Field

Each morning, Aarush walked almost four miles to school. As the oldest child in the family, it was important for him to continue his education. If there was any hope for him to help his impoverished family or create a new future for himself, he...

Growing up, Rikhil was a humble and obedient son at home and at school. He exemplified good character and morals—until he fell into the wrong crowd. At the tender age of 12, Rikhil tasted one of the greatest vices the world offers: alcohol.

Trapped in a Vice

GFA Reports from the Field

“Do not be deceived, ‘Evil company corrupts good habits.’” —1 Corinthians 15:33 For Rikhil, this Bible verse epitomized most of his teenage years. The Allure of Alcohol Growing up, Rikhil was a humble and obedient son at home and at school. He exemplified good character and...

As the years passed, Kerensa would smoke, do drugs, steal—anything that would give her mind a sense of peace.When Kerensa turned 21, she got married.

Chasing Happiness, Finding Love

GFA Reports from the Field

Childhood for Kerensa in a rural village in Asia was normal. Following in her parents’ footsteps, the young girl adhered to traditional rites and rituals. For prosperity and blessings in life, Kerensa was taught to perform sacrifices and donate money to local shrines. This was...

There are countless young boys and girls in Asia who suffer under the crushing burden of generational abject poverty. Please pray for GFA-supported Bridge of Hope centers, which are helping to demonstrate the love of Christ and to point the children to a new life.

Discussing the Curse of Generational Poverty

GFA Reports from the Field

Aravind walked around barefoot in ragged, worn-out clothes. He carried his books in a plastic bag. The skinny 7 year old lived in a humble mud house with his parents. Aravind's "normal" was generational abject poverty. His family was so poor they could not even...

The gift the GFA-supported pastor held in his hands would change her life for the better. With tears of joy, she happily accepted the piglet.

Surprised with Hope

GFA Reports from the Field

Euna could not believe her eyes. The gift the GFA-supported pastor held in his hands would change her life for the better. With tears of joy, she happily accepted the piglet, carefully taking it from Pastor Rasik. An Answered Prayer For Euna, this piglet provided the extra...

GFA-supported workers & their families held a rally to support the flood victims. Collecting donations to send to the devastated population in Kerala, India

Soft Hearts, Open Hands for Kerala Flood Victims

August 1 began the worst flooding in 100 years for the state of Kerala, India. As monsoon rains poured down, water levels quickly rose higher each day... To release the mounting pressure building up against the dam’s walls, dams were opened. A torrent of accumulated...

Amidst their suffering, outcasts typically form or join leprosy colonies, where they and others afflicted with leprosy may find some modicum of solace.

Cursed by Family, Loved by Strangers

As the World Health Organization notes, leprosy is an ancient disease, but it still rears its ugly head today. Leprosy affects many. In 2017, more than 210,000 new cases were reported in 150 countries. Those who are afflicted know very well of the devastation it...

One of Basudha’s coworkers, Rayan, shared the hope of Jesus with Basudha. He also knew of an upcoming event that was perfect for his unhappy friend.

An Empty Heart Filled with Love

GFA Reports from the Field

Unhappy. Discontent. Void of purpose. Empty. That’s how 28-year-old Basudha felt. With his sisters married and his parents passed on, Basudha was, for the most part, alone. Basudha followed his family’s local practices and rituals, but nothing brought him happiness—not his work and not his...

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