Field Reports

Bahar sought treatment from doctors and local holy sites, hoping for anything to give her healing. But nothing worked, and day after day, Bahar’s condition worsened.

Hope Emerges from Sickness, Death

GFA Reports from the Field

Bahar’s husband was gone. Stricken by cancer, he passed away after fighting it for a year. Bahar and her four children were devastated. Not long after her husband’s passing, Bahar herself fell ill with the very same type of cancer that had claimed her husband’s...

GFA-supported medical camps help individuals gain the health they need to positively affect their communities. Each camp may provide 200 to 1,000 people with free checkups and medicines—something many of them would never have been able to afford. And along with those free medical services comes another powerful gift: prayer.

A Life-changing Doctor Visit

GFA Reports from the Field

WILLS POINT, TX – Gospel for Asia (GFA) – Discussing the millions of people who don't have the ability to obtain health services, the need for medical camps around the world, and much more the need for the Great Healer. Ahmed clutched his abdomen as the...

“Please pray for several other villages that are going through water crisis,” Vimal shares, “that we will be able to install Jesus Wells like this, in such places … Pray that through this Jesus Well many will see how God loves them and they will experience … God’s faithfulness and God’s loving kindness.”

Jesus Well Relieves Water Crisis

GFA Reports from the Field

WILLS POINT, TX – Gospel for Asia (GFA) – Discussing the great need for solutions like Jesus Wells to combat the water crisis that millions suffer under. Vimal grew up in an agrarian village where most of the locals were farmers, relying on small ponds...

when Pastor Shorya sensed God was telling him he needed to visit that village again, he listened. Soon he found himself confronted by one of the most notorious men in the village: Hitansh, a gangster. Pastor Shorya hadn’t met Hitansh before, but he had heard enough to fear him.

Gospel for Asia Feature: The Pastor and the Gangster

GFA Reports from the Field

Pastor Shorya knew the Holy Spirit had been speaking to him about going to visit a certain village—a village where he’d been told not to come back. The GFA-supported pastor lived nearby and had gone there several times, offering a message of hope to any...

"While they shared the love they knew, they encountered many families suffering during the wintertime with insufficient winter clothing and blankets..."

Waiting for the Sun to Rise

GFA Reports from the Field

WILLS POINT, TX – Gospel for Asia (GFA) – Discussing the plight of missionaries come wintertime, who live barely protected from the elements, and the immeasurable blessing the gift of winter clothing brings. Pastor Babar shivered under his thin jacket. He walked up to a...

When Paden turned 12, his life drastically changed. His father passed away, leaving Paden, his mother and his two younger siblings all alone. The responsibility of caring for the family fell to Paden. His childhood was over.

The Weight of the World

GFA Reports from the Field

When Paden turned 12, his life drastically changed. His father passed away, leaving Paden, his mother and his two younger siblings all alone. The responsibility of caring for the family fell to Paden. His childhood was over. The Man of the House [caption id="attachment_1633" align="alignright"...

When you link your life with the behind-the-scenes missionaries, you get the opportunity to stay more connected with the Lord's work in Asia.

‘More of a Lifestyle, Less of a Job’

GFA Reports from the Field

WILLS POINT, TX – Gospel for Asia (GFA) – Discussing about the behind-the-scenes missionaries who, although they are far from the mission field, are vital to make ministry possible in Asia. The morning sun shines over the Mumbai slums. It is the beginning of a new...

Just like the Good Samaritan in Jesus' parable, who could not pass by a man bruised and beaten in the streets, local pastors and field workers make it part of their ministries to care for the physical needs of those in their communities.

From Death to Life at the Hands of a Good Samaritan

GFA Reports from the Field

WILLS POINT, TX – Gospel for Asia (GFA) – Discussing the grave need for national missionaries, like the Good Samaritan in Jesus' parable, who fills in the gap of health care to the poor and needy with the love of God. Marut's heart raced as his...

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