Field Reports

The films deeply touched one man, Chaman. At the conclusion of the movie night, he decided he wanted to know for himself the Jesus presented in the films.

Villagers Enjoy an Evening of Films

GFA Reports from the Field

During a hot summer night, neighbors gathered as if at a drive-in movie, minus the cars. The audience sat captivated for the next 4 hours and 40 minutes. Some of the villagers would learn lessons of historical importance—and some of their lives would never be...

Gospel for Asia (GFA) – Discussing Samali and her family troubles as they suffered through abandonment, fear, sickness and discrimination, and the Sisters of Compassion whom God used to turn their sorrow into gladness.

Gospel for Asia Helps Fearful Wife Face Husband’s Folly

GFA Reports from the Field

WILLS POINT, TX – Gospel for Asia (GFA) – Discussing Samali and her family as they suffered through abandonment, fear, sickness and discrimination, and the Sisters of Compassion whom God used to turn their sorrow into gladness. Samali felt Ceyone’s forehead. It was hot with...

Discussing the encounters of national missionaries with people who need the love of God. Through their God-given compassion, these christian people give "more than a handful of rice."

Once a Troublemaker, Now a Truth-Bearer

GFA Reports from the Field

WILLS POINT, TX – Gospel for Asia (GFA) – Discussing the encounters of national missionaries with people who need the love of God. Through their God-given compassion, these christian people give "more than a handful of rice." Biru grew up in a nominal Christian home....

Pastor Jachin’s leaders saw his need and organized a bicycle distribution. In total, 13 GFA-supported workers, including Pastor Jachin, received bicycles to aid them in their ministry.

Bicycles Lift Burdens

GFA Reports from the Field

Limited. That’s how Pastor Jachin felt. The members of his congregation live in several different villages that were some distance from his church. Whenever a believer was sick or in need of prayer, Pastor Jachin tried to be there. There was one problem, however: He...

His leg could easily have been a deterrent, but Pastor Haatim mounted his motorbike and began introducing himself to the members of his community.

Missionary’s Miraculous Life of Ministry

GFA Reports from the Field

Growing up, Pastor Haatim knew about Jesus, but it wasn’t until he attended a local Christian school that he began to know Jesus as an intimate friend. After school, he attended Bible college. While a student, Pastor Haatim asked God where he should live and minister...

Gospel for Asia (GFA) – Discussing the lives of Dhumal, his mute son, Japa, and their experiences of loss, grief, distraught, and ultimately hope in God through Whom all things are possible.

Mute Boy Reclaims Voice

GFA Reports from the Field

WILLS POINT, TX – Gospel for Asia (GFA) – Discussing the lives of Dhumal, his mute son, Japa, and their experiences of loss, grief, distraught, and ultimately hope in God through Whom all things are possible. Clapping, stomping and cheerful singing filled the Sunday school room. Children...

Gospel for Asia (GFA) – Discussing the impact of women missionaries in the lives of many suffering, and the hope that and healing that only Jesus can provide.

Bedridden Man Walks Again

GFA Reports from the Field

WILLS POINT, TX – Gospel for Asia (GFA) – Discussing the impact of women missionaries in the lives of many suffering, and the hope that and the healing that only Jesus can provide. God sent Prama and her Gospel for Asia Women’s Fellowship team to Sampat’s...

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