Field Reports

Qia passed through the gate and found herself welcomed into the Sunday school program of a local GFA church.

Sunday School Teaches Fearful Girl Courage

GFA Reports from the Field

The squeals of laughter and songs of joy drifting from the other side of the gate intrigued Qia, but she was too frightened to pass through the entrance and discover their source. She could only summon enough courage to peer through the small gate, her...

Throughout the threats & wishes of failure heaped upon Hetavi’s family, Hetavi saw her mother remain strong as a woman of prayer.

A Mother’s Prayers Bring Daughter Peace

GFA Reports from the Field

Hetavi lost her father when she was only 18 years old. Grief stung the young woman even more deeply because her paternal relatives barraged Hetavi, her younger siblings and their mother Toral, with abuse and harassment. In South Asia, a widow is often blamed for...

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