Featured Stories

GFA-supported medical camps are bringing wellness to some of the 3.8 billion people in the world who lack access to basic health care.

Doctors at the Doorstep

GFA Featured Story: April 2019

“I see lots of people suffer and die because of various kinds of sicknesses,” says GFA-supported pastor Ganesh. “Most of the people where I work are from very poor families.” During more than 13 years of serving the Lord, Pastor Ganesh became intimately acquainted with suffering. He sat...

This lack of clean water is a recurring theme. Currently, 2.1 billion people live in water-stressed areas—areas that have no safely managed water services.

Villages in Danger

GFA Featured Story: April 2019

Green, vibrant and lush—all these describe Abhijun’s village of Lhepar, an agrarian community in Asia nestled among rolling hills and mountains. The surrounding knolls, covered in verdant and sprawling vegetation, frame the picturesque landscape. Abhijun, 21, and his fellow villagers lived in near-perfect harmony. But underneath the beauty,...

All over the world, millions of disenfranchised people have ended up in slum dwellings. In 2017, about 900 million people lived in slums across the globe.

Treasure Unearthed in a Slum

GFA Featured Story: February 2019

Madin finally had to leave. Being from the lowest class, he had suffered exploitation and mistreatment at the hands of his upper-class neighbors all his life. He couldn't handle the abuse anymore. Seeking peace for his family, he knew they could no longer live in their village. In...

After testing her skin, she received a diagnosis, which felt more like a curse: leprosy. Prina now lived with a double curse—leprosy & widowhood.

The Curse of Leprosy Cured

GFA Featured Story: January 2019

Prina sat in her room all alone, waiting for her food to be delivered—the best and worst part of her day. Leprosy had locked her away, isolated from her family. She longed for the human interaction that occurred when a family member carried food to her room. But...

Kalinda's husband suddenly from cardiac arrest. In grief & fear, without her husband how were she & her children going to survive? God sent a water buffalo.

Water Buffalo Provides Security for Family

GFA Featured Story: January 2019

Kalinda's husband, Anton, stood in the night air, just outside the house. It was the end of a long day at work, capped by a family dinner. Enjoying one last moment under the starry sky, Anton suddenly felt faint. He crumpled to the ground, his life extinguished by...

Related Evils: Poverty and Alcohol. Tanul's journey is not an isolated incident. It's a problem all over the world; alcoholism and poverty go hand-in-hand.

Rickshaw Unlocks a New Path

GFA Featured Story: December 2018

The first time Tanul tried alcohol, it must have burned his throat and boiled in his belly. Unpleasant as it was, it would not be the last time he put his lips around the bottle. In fact—like the poverty he was born into—it became his constant companion. By...

Tavish's father died when he was just a small boy creating not only a hole in their family unit, but it plunged them into a state of financial crisis.

Moving Poverty Out of the Picture

GFA Featured Story: November 2018

Tavish's father died when he was just a small boy. His death not only created a hole in their family unit, but it plunged them into a state of financial crisis. Young Tavish and his mother cultivated the land they owned, leaving the boy with no opportunity to...

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