Saeran woozily noted his surroundings. He was in the hospital. Something had happened to him, but the memory of what eluded him. Why did everything hurt? The 15-year-old boy had been climbing a tamarind tree, trying to pick fruit, and fell 50 feet. He had been knocked unconscious from the impact, and his body sustained deep injuries that needed immediate treatment. But there was a problem: Saeran’s family couldn’t afford to pay for the treatment.

Important Teachings at VBS
The money Saeran’s parents made was not enough to pay for the treatment he needed, and there was no one to help them. The most the family could do was wait, which, given Saeran’s injuries, was excruciating.
While they waited, the family received a visit from GFA pastor Hallan. A couple of months before Saeran’s fall, the boy had attended Sunday school at Pastor Hallan’s church. It was there that Saeran first learned of Jesus and of His great love for him. Then came an event that would change Saeran’s life…
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