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Pratul never imagined how radically his life would change because of a cow. When Pratul received a cow at a Christmas gift distribution organized by GFA-supported pastor Dayal almost 10 years ago, he was a poor farmer unable to feed his family every day. Working...
It's that time of year again when Gospel for Asia (GFA) and many other faith-based organizations (FBO) publish their Christmas gift catalogs. Two of the seemingly ubiquitous gifts available are chickens and goats.I know what you are thinking. "Chickens and goats? How can chickens and...
We have pretty much bought into the saying that, "It's not the gift that counts; it's the thought behind it." But what if that is not true. Doesn't the gift really count? When we place more value on the intent than on the gift, it's...
Pasha pulled the heavy knit of her newly gifted sweater down over her torso. The other two women of Pasha’s film team were also bundled in cozy sweaters. Insulated from the winter chill, the women maneuvered the film equipment in a well-rehearsed and orchestrated dance...
Overwhelming evidence of education's effectiveness in reducing poverty has prompted massive efforts around the world to make quality education available to everyone—especially to the poor.Wills Point, Texas – Gospel for Asia (GFA) Special Report Part 3 – Discussing the impact of quality education on the...
Wills Point, Texas – Gospel for Asia (GFA) – Discussing the need for heroes in the life of every child, to turn their story of tragedy into a story of redemption, through GFA-supported Bridge of Hope centers. Do you remember the first time you heard...
A group of women visited the sick, hurting and broken inside the walls of the local hospital. The ladies, who were from a church led by a GFA-supported pastor, wanted to share the experience of comfort and love they all knew in Christ. As they...
Wills Point, Texas – Gospel for Asia (GFA) Special Report Part 2 – Discussing the impact of educational development on the eradication of extreme poverty. Education’s Holistic Impact on Family Life, Income God's creation of the human mind is a marvelous thing. It has the...
Wills Point, Texas – Gospel for Asia (GFA) Special Report Part 1 – Discussing the impact of education on the eradication of extreme poverty and illiteracy.When considering the issues of poverty and lack of education, an old saying comes to mind: "Which came first, the...
Growing up in North Texas, one of the rarest sights must be snow. Even when it happens to snow, it lasts barely a day. A veritable blizzard to come roaring through is among the oddest of occasions. Looking back, I remember one winter day, as...
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