Field Reports

Through a Christmas gift distribution, Harmya received two bundles of tin sheets! These sheets provided stability and protection for her home.

Peace Dwells Where Turmoil Once Lived

GFA Reports from the Field

A home provides peace and security for any family—at least it should. For Harmya, her house was a danger to her and her children. Family in Chaos Harmya’s husband passed away some years ago from tuberculosis, leaving the mother to take care of four children....

Because the vast majority of us have never owned a goat, we are likely to have a less-than-accurate understanding of a goat’s potential value to its owners, which could make one wonder why so many faith-based agencies (FBO) suggest goats among the many offerings of their Christmas catalogs.

Raise Your Hand if You’ve Ever Owned a Goat

GFA Reports from the Field

Anyone? Anyone? Just the guy who grew up on the farm? That's not altogether surprising, especially as the American society has become less agrarian and more urbanized. Because the vast majority of us have never owned a goat, we are likely to have a less-than-accurate...

With tender and diligent care, Parbeen started a chicken farm. This new source of income would more than just help him get by and feed his family

Christmas Chickens Help Buy a Fish Farm

GFA Reports from the Field

Parbeen looked around his farm after a hard day of work. His eyes scanned the fish ponds full of stock, and he could hear his cow mooing in its shed and his chicken farm clucking in their coop. He felt God’s loving hand on his...

Do you ever wonder how Christ would be received if He were born today? He came to Earth as humbly as the poorest child in any modern-day developing country. He didn’t live in luxury. The world didn't recognize the infant Jesus or care to help. And yet His very existence changed everything.

Beating the Odds Stacked Against Them

GFA Reports from the Field

"Beloved, now we are children of God; and it has not yet been revealed what we shall be, but we know that when He is revealed, we shall be like Him, for we shall see Him as He is. And everyone who has this hope...

No seed, no crop. No crop, no harvest.The number of people in Asia without Bibles—God's seed—numbers in the multiple millions.

What If There Were No Seed?

GFA Reports from the Field

Jesus tells several parables about the kingdom of heaven in Matthew chapter 13. The first and perhaps the most popular is the story of the sower and the seed. As the farmer scatters his seeds, they fall into different types of soil. Typically, we focus...

Darin no longer has to walk everywhere thanks to the new bicycle given to him through a GFA-supported Christmas gift distribution.

Relief on a Bicycle

GFA Reports from the Field

Step … step … step … Every footstep wracked the man’s legs with pain. Step … step … step … Just a few more steps. Walking Everywhere Darin worked as a meter reader for a state electricity board. He was in charge of reading 2,500...

It’s fairly well known that in many parts of the world, women, especially widows, are second-class citizens. “Second class” might be a bit generous, considering the shocking treatment so many women face.

A Public, Tragic Secret

GFA Reports from the Field

It's fairly well known that in many parts of the world, women are second-class citizens. "Second class" might be a bit generous, considering the shocking treatment so many women face. When a woman has the unfortunate experience of becoming widowed, her standing may plummet further...

Supporting children in Bridge of Hope centers in Asia is more than pointing them to hope but a commitment to leading them to a future where their hope is certain and sure, and where they can share their hope with others.

Commitment to Stay With Her Till She Makes It

GFA Reports from the Field

“Being confident of this very thing, that He who has begun a good work in you will complete it until the day of Jesus Christ.” —Philippians 1:6 I was watching a video this morning of my friend Dr. KP Yohannan visiting the home of a...

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