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God sent Prama and her Women’s Fellowship team to Sampat’s village at a moment of despair for Sampat’s family—his life was about to be extinguished. Sampat, a model son, was everything his parents hoped he would be. At 23 years old, he worked hard as...
Reflections on the 40-year Ministry of Gospel for Asia"The world has yet to see what God can do with and for and through and in and by the man who is fully and wholly consecrated to Him. I want to be that man."—D.L. Moody We...
WILLS POINT, TX – According to Dr. Seth Barkley, the CEO of Gavi, The Vaccine Alliance, "Malaria is still one of the biggest killers of children worldwide, taking the lives of over 200,000 children each year." April 25 is World Malaria Day. Because the disease...
It was Mother’s Day weekend, 2018. Over the two-day period, two separate groups of people assembled together. One group filled a small conference hall; the other was surrounded by tents. For both, this occasion was special. These people all had one thing in common: poverty....
Clapping, stomping and cheerful singing filled the Sunday school room. Children in brightly colored clothes moved together as Sunday school teachers led them in the motions to their favorite praise songs. Little Japa, only 5 years old, clapped and danced with the other children. But...
WILLS POINT, TX - Gospel for Asia (GFA) - Discussing the state of a billion children in the world who live in extreme poverty who are worth every effort and measure to be given love, care, education - a Bridge of Hope. The world has...
What do steamy jungles, dense forests or bustling cities of Asia have in common? The world’s most annoying and sometimes dangerous insect: the mosquito. Where Prevention Is Essential Mosquitoes can act as vectors (carriers) of diseases. Zika virus, West Nile virus and dengue are among...
WILLS POINT, TX - Gospel for Asia (GFA) - Discussing what national workers do daily to spread God's love across Asia. “They need to think about what is needed, not what is possible because possible can change. A major problem I see . . ....
Gospel for Asia recently released a five-minute video that explains the clean water crisis in Asia at the personal level. This video explains the impact of the annual three-month drought season. For many, this season is just the same as any other day of the...
WILLS POINT, TX – Gospel for Asia (GFA) – In his account of the Gospel of Jesus Christ, Mark shares the story of a rich young ruler who had inquired of Jesus, “What shall I do that I may inherit eternal life” (Mark 10:17). Jesus...
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