Field Reports

She listened with a heavy heart to the young man’s story. When she learned that he had been sick for five years, she knew the only hope for his healing was the power of Jesus.

Bedridden Man Walks Again

GFA Reports from the Field

God sent Prama and her Women’s Fellowship team to Sampat’s village at a moment of despair for Sampat’s family—his life was about to be extinguished. Sampat, a model son, was everything his parents hoped he would be. At 23 years old, he worked hard as...

Make no mistake, this is not a story about Dr. K.P. Yohannan. This is a story of what the Lord has done with and for and through and in him. The greatest ability we can give to the Lord is “availability.” All that young man had to offer the Lord in 1979 was a willing and obedient heart.

Gospel for Asia: A Singular Focus for 40 Years

GFA Reports from the Field

Reflections on the 40-year Ministry of Gospel for Asia"The world has yet to see what God can do with and for and through and in and by the man who is fully and wholly consecrated to Him. I want to be that man."—D.L. Moody We...

A local church led by GFA-supported pastor Sunirmal took the initiative to bless these precious people on Mother’s Day, providing all of them with a warm meal and God’s love.

Mother’s Day: A Time of Love and Celebration

GFA Reports from the Field

It was Mother’s Day weekend, 2018. Over the two-day period, two separate groups of people assembled together. One group filled a small conference hall; the other was surrounded by tents. For both, this occasion was special. These people all had one thing in common: poverty....

After learning about Japa’s condition, the Women’s Fellowship reached out to the little boy. Tenderness filled their hearts, and they discussed how to help him.

Mute Boy Reclaims Voice

GFA Reports from the Field

Clapping, stomping and cheerful singing filled the Sunday school room. Children in brightly colored clothes moved together as Sunday school teachers led them in the motions to their favorite praise songs. Little Japa, only 5 years old, clapped and danced with the other children. But...

What do steamy jungles, dense forests or bustling cities of Asia have in common? The world’s most annoying and sometimes dangerous insect: mosquitoes

Mosquitoes Out, God’s Love In

GFA Reports from the Field

What do steamy jungles, dense forests or bustling cities of Asia have in common? The world’s most annoying and sometimes dangerous insect: the mosquito. Where Prevention Is Essential Mosquitoes can act as vectors (carriers) of diseases. Zika virus, West Nile virus and dengue are among...

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