Field Reports

Gospel for Asia (GFA) is working toward the improvement of situations like Abhijun’s with its two major clean-water initiatives: Jesus Wells and BioSand water filters. In places where the water sources are almost completely contaminated, such as Lhepar, BioSand water filters are the best option.

The Most Important Resource

GFA Reports from the Field

Death and sickness were two things Abhijun was familiar with. Including him and his family, many in his village and the surrounding area contracted serious illnesses such as typhoid from their drinking water. “We suffered from many sicknesses,” Abhijun said. “When our relatives come to...

Rita traveled more than seven miles to attend the medical camp, which she heard about through Pastor Ganesh’s flyers. She had suffered numbness in her hands and legs for more than a month, forcing her to abandon her work in the fields.

Healthy Bodies Lead to Healthy Spirits

GFA Reports from the Field

Rita traveled more than seven miles to attend the medical camp, which she heard about through Pastor Ganesh’s flyers. She had suffered numbness in her hands and legs for more than a month, forcing her to abandon her work in the fields. Even household chores...

Gospel for Asia (GFA) – Discussing the life of Naija who was filled with anger and bitterness, but after attending Sunday School she encountered love.

Angry Teenager Finds Forgiveness at VBS

GFA Reports from the Field

Naija’s family lived in a small remote village that was Christian in name only. She did not know Jesus personally, nor did her family attend church. “Christian” was just a word without meaning to Naija. Sunday School, VBS and Bible stories—so familiar to most Christian...

Gospel for Asia (GFA) – Discussing the two different lives of Murali and Pranay, and the songs that carry the message of hope in the midst of despair found at Sunday School.

Twelve-year-old Pastor’s Son Shares Christ with Neighbor Boy

GFA Reports from the Field

Two worlds collided when Murali and Pranay played together. Although neighbors, the 12-year-old boys lived completely different lives. As their friendship grew, Pranay learned of the struggles Murali’s family faced—struggles Pranay had never known. Pranay had known love and care from his father, a GFA-supported...

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