Field Reports

In 6 days, God answered the prayers of 3 groups of believers with a resounding yes. Each group had been praying for a church building for prayer & learning.

Believers Rejoice over New Church Buildings

GFA Reports from the Field

In six short days, God chose to answer the prayers of three groups of believers with a resounding yes. Each group had been praying for a place of worship to gather in for times of prayer, adoration and learning from the local pastor. One December,...

What Does Ministry Mean to You?

GFA Reports from the Field

WILLS POINT, TX – Gospel for Asia (GFA) – Discussing the definitions that encompass missions & ministry, the sacrifice and service, from those who are behind-the-scenes to the national missionaries who are in the field. Let me ask you a quick question. When you hear...

Gospel for Asia has been producing radio in asia programs since 1986 for those in South Asia who live in some of the most unreached places on the globe.

Tuning In to the Power of Radio

GFA Reports from the Field

WILLS POINT, TX – Gospel for Asia (GFA) – Discussing the impact Gospel ministry through radio in Asia continuously brings to more than one million listeners each year, bringing them hope in the love of Jesus. I can’t remember the last time I owned a...

Discussing the families and their children trapped in poverty experience, the hope that God provides through means like GFA-supported Bridge of Hope centers

Devastation Meets a Glimmer of Hope

GFA Reports from the Field

WILLS POINT, TX – Gospel for Asia (GFA) – Discussing the desperate reality that families and their children trapped in poverty experience, and the hope that God provides through His means like GFA-supported Bridge of Hope centers. Sibirah posed next to Rajdev as the camera captured...

Discussing the crippling poverty that families like Aashna's experience, & the medical camps which offer the poorest the only medical care they can receive

The Only Medical Care They’ll Ever Receive

GFA Reports from the Field

WILLS POINT, TX – Gospel for Asia (GFA) – Discussing the crippling poverty that families like Aashna's experience, the helplessness they face especially in medical situations, and the medical camps which offer the poorest of the poor possibly their only chance to receive medical care...

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