Field Reports

Without GFA-supported workers like Sister Latha, Kuvira would have been like many other widows in Asia — suffering with no love or hope in their lives.

The Danger of Widowhood

GFA Reports from the Field

WILLS POINT, TX – Gospel for Asia (GFA) – Discussing the life of Kuvira who, like many widows in asia, are exposed to the dangers of isolation, discrimination, hopelessness, and the women missionaries who take it upon themselves to bless the lives of countless women...

When her boy fell ill again, this time with a more daunting prognosis, the mother's faith was tested. Could God—would God—heal her son again?

Son’s Healing Strengthens Mother’s Faith

GFA Reports from the Field

When her son became sick, Anushka took him to the doctor and then praised the Lord when he recovered. When her boy fell ill again, this time with a more daunting prognosis, the mother's faith was tested. Could God—would God—heal her son again? Plagued by...

Discussing the GFA Sisters of Compassion, women missionaries who choose to identify with the marginalized, and bring the hope of Jesus to their lives.

Gospel for Asia Enters Filthy but Fertile Grounds

GFA Reports from the Field

WILLS POINT, TX – Gospel for Asia (GFA) – Discussing the Sisters of Compassion, women missionaries who choose to identify with the marginalized, and reflect God's love to bring the hope of Jesus to their lives. Prisha stepped out of the rickshaw only to be...

Discussing the impact after-school program, Bridge of Hope, bring to the lives of children and entire families, opening opportunities for learning, growth, and even alleviation from poverty.

Shy Boy Finds Haven in After-School Program

GFA Reports from the Field

Ever since Zakif was a boy of just 6 years old, GFA-supported Bridge of Hope center was like his second home. Now, at the age of 13, he is a testimony to the center’s important work in benefiting the children, families and communities it serves....

Waida’s mother married a man she met at work. At first, Gitu’s second marriage was a happy one. However, her new husband’s attitude soon changed.

Kidnapped Girl Finds God’s Grace

GFA Reports from the Field

Since 2012, the world has celebrated International Day of the Girl Child on October 11. According to the United Nations General Assembly, the day was established to shine a spotlight on “the need to address the challenges girls face and to promote girls’ empowerment and the...

If anyone were to ask Kalapi if God really answers prayer, this grateful man would give a “Yes!” and then share his story of how God can truly heal.

God Supernaturally Heals Man’s Throat

GFA Reports from the Field

If anyone were to ask Kalapi if God really answers prayer, this grateful man would most likely give a resounding, “Yes!” and then share his story of how God healed his throat. For some time, Kalapi suffered from a swollen throat. It wasn’t swollen in...

Gospel for Asia – Discussing the isolation Panmoli & his family experienced, the comfort of God's Word, & the national missionaries who bring unity & peace.

Boycotted Family Finds Peace

GFA Reports from the Field

WILLS POINT, TX – Gospel for Asia (GFA) – Discussing the isolation Panmoli and his family experienced, the comfort God's Word provides, and the national missionaries who serve to bring unity and peace to local communities. Panmoli tried to get the attention of a villager—Panmoli...

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