Field Reports

Through her sewing machine, Adalina was able to properly provide for her family, battling for survival against the clutches of poverty.

Sewing for Her Family’s Survival

GFA Reports from the Field

Everyone depended on Adalina. Adalina’s bedridden husband depended on her for care and relief from an unidentified illness. Their two daughters depended on Adalina’s earnings to provide food and tuition. Adalina’s aging mother-in-law depended on her for housing, provision and care. Adalina could not fail...

Pastor Mariano’s church held a couple of gift distribution, providing 215 families with essential items, & Hajime was one of the recipients.

Gift of Mosquito Net Provides Family Avenue of Hope

GFA Reports from the Field

The mosquitoes that buzzed outdoors brought no comfort to Seafra’s family. For the 50-year-old father of four who farmed for a living, he knew that he had two options: He could use what little earnings he made to feed his family, or he could risk...

Pastor Mariano’s church held a couple of gift distribution, providing 215 families with essential items, & Hajime was one of the recipients.

Gift Distribution Provides Man a New Sense of Freedom

GFA Reports from the Field

Later that year, Pastor Mariano’s church held a couple of gift distribution, providing 215 families in the area with essential items, and Hajime was one of the recipients. Hajime longed for a wheelchair. His independence had been stripped away from him after becoming paralyzed from...

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