Field Reports

Thanks to a GFA pastor willing to visit this widow, she & her family are forever changed by the power of prayer to a God who hears & answers

Prayer Transforms Widow from Invalid to Hostess

GFA Reports from the Field

Nala lay helpless in bed. The pain in her spine stubbornly refused to relent, and the widow didn’t have the energy to fight it anymore. For a long time, Nala’s son, Abebe, dutifully escorted her to see various doctors and local religious leaders, looking for...

Every year, Vacation Bible School has a profound impact on countless children of all ages across the world.

Vacation Bible School Brings Inspiration, Direction

GFA Reports from the Field

Every year, Vacation Bible School has a profound impact on countless children of all ages across the world. Children gather to play, learn and experience Jesus’ love and care in a safe, welcoming environment. Many of these children have never heard about God or His...

Some of her friends biked to school, and she had long wanted a bicycle - but the girl could only watch as her friends sped by.

Bicycle Helps Young Girl Follow Her Dreams

GFA Reports from the Field

Finally, Moira had made it to school through the day’s deluge of rain. Many days the young teenager arrived at school either soaked from the pouring rain or exhausted from walking in the hot sun. The five-mile trek hindered Moira’s ability to make it to...

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