Featured Stories

For Nalah, having a sewing machine meant getting his family out of poverty—a treacherous cycle they had been in for many generations.

Breaking Generational Poverty with a Needle and Thread

GFA Featured Story: May 2018

Nalah pulled fabric away from his machine to show his customer the finished product. He had just finished telling his client, one of his neighbors, the story of Jesus—the God who saved his life. When the customer left, Nalah started up his machine once more to fill another...

Medical expenses push 100 million people worldwide into extreme poverty, forcing them to survive on just $1.90 or less a day.

Life-changing Doctor Visits

GFA Featured Story: April 2018

Ahmed and Raizel are just two among millions—even billions—who cannot access medical care when they need help. The World Health Organization (WHO) and the World Bank reports that "at least half of the world's population cannot obtain essential health services." The cost of medication and professional care is...

When Laul got sick with typhoid fever he couldn't provide for his five kids. But when his village received a Jesus Well — His life changed.

Digging a Well: Uprooting Discouragement

GFA Featured Story: March 2018

When Laul got sick with typhoid fever he lost his livelihood and couldn't provide for his five kids. No doctors or treatments could help him. But when his village received a Jesus Well—Laul's life changed in more ways than one. Lual was stricken with a waterborne illness known...

It had destroyed her marriage and ate away her limbs. But worse than the disease itself, Leora endured the stigma associated with being branded by leprosy.

What Leprosy Couldn’t Steal

GFA Featured Story: February 2018

Leora stretched out her arms towards the light. She thought the white spots would have disappeared by now—and it worried her. But Parthiv, Leora’s husband, brushed off his wife’s fears; he assumed they were probably nothing. But when the spots grew numb and oozed puss, a fearsome word...

2017, look back at the amazing things God did through Gospel for Asia and its partnerships worldwide. Read the latest update in GFA's 2016 Special Report.

2016 Special Report: Persevering Together for the Faith

GFA Featured Story: Special Report

In 2017, let's look back at all the amazing things God did last year through Gospel for Asia and its partnerships worldwide to help transform communities across 18 nations. Read the latest update in GFA's 2016 Special Report. "How I wish I could sit with you, share some...

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