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Nalah pulled fabric away from his machine to show his customer the finished product. He had just finished telling his client, one of his neighbors, the story of Jesus—the God who saved his life. When the customer left, Nalah started up his machine once more to fill another...
Malaria. Though eradicated in many developed nations, malaria still claims thousands of lives around the world. One victim who survived this mosquito-borne disease compared its chills to “lying down between two blocks of ice.” Each year, more than 400,000 people don’t survive those terrifying shudders.As part of its...
Ahmed and Raizel are just two among millions—even billions—who cannot access medical care when they need help. The World Health Organization (WHO) and the World Bank reports that "at least half of the world's population cannot obtain essential health services." The cost of medication and professional care is...
663 million people around the world do not have access to safe drinking water as of 2015. This is the first time the number has fallen below 700 million.It is generally agreed that the current water crisis is a result of what writers Mikhael Subotzky and Johnny Miller...
When Laul got sick with typhoid fever he lost his livelihood and couldn't provide for his five kids. No doctors or treatments could help him. But when his village received a Jesus Well—Laul's life changed in more ways than one. Lual was stricken with a waterborne illness known...
Why does it seem almost like a requirement for women to silently endure the violence done against them? Gospel for Asia would like to suggest it begins when people no longer see others as made in the image of God...Violence against women stretches from country to country and...
"Learn to do right; seek justice. Defend the oppressed. Take up the cause of the fatherless; plead the case of the widow." —Isaiah 1:17 NIV More than 80 years after George Orwell wrote in his classic Animal Farm that "all animals are equal, but some are more equal...
Leora stretched out her arms towards the light. She thought the white spots would have disappeared by now—and it worried her. But Parthiv, Leora’s husband, brushed off his wife’s fears; he assumed they were probably nothing. But when the spots grew numb and oozed puss, a fearsome word...
2.3 billion worldwide lack proper latrines, basic sanitation facilities and 892 million still defecate in the open, according to World Health Organization. "Today, some 157 million urban dwellers—that would be 37 percent of the urban population—lack a safe and private toilet. Even sewers are no guarantors of healthiness:...
In 2017, let's look back at all the amazing things God did last year through Gospel for Asia and its partnerships worldwide to help transform communities across 18 nations. Read the latest update in GFA's 2016 Special Report. "How I wish I could sit with you, share some...
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