Featured Stories

A simple bicycle can multiply GFA missionary workers’ impact. Bicycling is five times more efficient than walking to reach villages.

In the Trail of Two Wheels

GFA Featured Story

Gospel for Asia (GFA) pastor Matai gingerly dismounted his bicycle and stretched his weary muscles as the sun lowered over the horizon. He had traveled many miles since its rising—without any food. Perhaps his stomach grumbled as he caught scent of dinner wafting from his home. He might...

We all prayed for the missionaries and pastors, all those serving the Lord in spite of this coronavirus pandemic spread

Serving Humanity in the Face of a Pandemic

GFA Featured Story

Pastor Rivas had just heard the news that his entire nation was entering a lockdown because of COVID-19, the virus making its way around the world. No one could leave their homes except for very specific reasons and with special permission from local authorities. No one could visit...

Bastien’s employer was a GFA World national mission worker, who took the time to talk to workers and develop relationships with them

A Crash Course Altered

GFA Featured Story

Drunk again, Bastien spouted hate; his wife cringed at his raised hand. With agriculture being Bastien’s livelihood, another drought meant he couldn’t work. How long had it been this time? How would they survive? There wasn’t enough money for the family, but he needed another drink. Some cards...

Simple outdoor toilets can give families their own private place to relieve themselves and promote communal hygiene.

A Safe Place to Go

GFA Featured Story

Anxiety nagged at Pamalla’s mind. As usual, she had woken up, taken her daughter Aalia to the field to use the bathroom, fixed breakfast for her four children and left for work. But each day, as she labored in the fields, she couldn’t stop wondering if her 14-year-old...

68 to 84 percent of water sources in South Asia are contaminated. Ragnar and his family, live in one such area.

How A Mosquito Net Was A Dream Come True

GFA Featured Story

Saphyra swatted again and felt the satisfying splat of a mosquito’s demise. She turned over only to discover another mosquito buzzing over her head. Saphyra sighed. It would be another restless night. How many would this be in a row? She had lost count. Closing her eyes, Saphyra...

68 to 84 percent of water sources in South Asia are contaminated. Ragnar and his family, live in one such area.

A Family’s Fight Against Contaminated Water

GFA Featured Story

The water bucket was empty—again. A child was sick—again. Another child was struggling in his studies—again. All were results of a common culprit. A Struggle to Survive Ragnar’s family of six struggled to attain the essential necessity of water. The closest water source was a well located over...

Bakari, a leprosy patient, became shunned by family and friends, the word "leprosy" stripped his dignity until an encounter with a GFA worker.

Man Stripped of Dignity Finds Value Again

GFA Featured Story

"You can’t walk on this path, they said. You’ll contaminate it for everyone else, they scowled. You’re not welcome here." The words stung Bakari’s heart as he turned his face in shame. His neighbors and family no longer saw him as a man; all they saw were the...

Though GFA World medical camp helps thousands, many still need medical attention, as well as an encounter with the Great Physician

Medical Camp Helps Man Too Weak to Walk

GFA Featured Story

Curren mustered his strength to stand but staggered as the room spun before him. Reaching out to steady himself, he surveyed the concerned looks from his family—five loved ones depending on him for provision. His head throbbed, and Curren grasped his stomach as he slid back to bed,...

When Pastor Micha saw Andru’s hunger for the Lord, he offered a gift that would open his eyes to the eternal promises of God: a New Testament.

What Happened to the Extortion Man?

GFA Featured Story

Under the morning sky, the vegetable sellers braced themselves as a familiar man with a long, lined face approached their stalls along the highway. For the past three years, the man, Andru, had usually inspired their dread and hatred. With threats and harassment, he manipulated them into selling...

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