Featured Stories

As she read the accounts of Jesus in the Word of God, she was fascinated by the miracles He did. Was there nothing this Jesus could not do?

Miraculous Stories Inspire Young Woman’s Faith

GFA Featured Story

Porsha peered into the mirror once more. An attractive woman of 20, the reflection might have filled her with confidence. Instead, shame surged through her being. A goiter marred her neck, and a tumor marred her right hand. Perhaps Porsha fingered the lumps, tracing their ugly outlines. Perhaps...

GFA World Jesus Well helps put a stop to a family's stream of troubles with waterborne diseases and health issues.

Well Halts Family’s Troublesome Stream

GFA Featured Story

Fauna’s daughter was sick again. This time it was Cadee’s kidneys, the latest ailment in a steady stream of waterborne health issues. Once again, doctors recommended clean water along with medication. Once again, the news saddened Fauna’s heart, for they had no clean water to drink. Would their...

Young boy's lingering symptoms invoked fear, until relief came through GFA World's missionaries organized a free medical ministry camp

Boy’s Lingering Symptoms Invoke Fear

GFA Featured Story

Rahm’s parents examined the red bumps on his skin once more. Brows likely furrowed. Perhaps it was the blistering rash that concerned them most. Perhaps it was a fever or loss of appetite. Perhaps it was simply the fact the young boy’s symptoms wouldn’t go away. What was...

In the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic threatening survival, GFA missionaries brought help and hope to a family in despair

Pandemic Threatens Family’s Survival

GFA Featured Story

In the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic, Gospel for Asia (GFA) pastor Yaphet and other Gospel for Asia (GFA) missionaries have marched to the fringes of society to bring help and hope to people in despair, people such as Callon and Sada. Their most demanding adversary? Hunger. Fear...

Child Sponsorship relieved a financial burden from the family of the girl by providing he school tuition, school supplies & nutritious meals

A Burden Slides Off Preteen Girl’s Back

GFA Featured Story

Against an angular backdrop of steep hillsides and spacious valleys, Sahlma waged an uphill battle. A load bore down on her small frame as the girl pressed onward. The preteen shouldn’t have been working as a porter, a physically demanding job that required transporting groceries, sand and firewood...

Goats enable impoverished families to better provide for themselves, and possibly even break free from the cycle of extreme poverty.

Goat Shatters Mother’s Cycle of Poverty

GFA Featured Story

Raina sat counting the money sent from her husband, Ander. Like his last paycheck, it wasn’t much, perhaps barely enough to cover their expenses for that month. She looked up from the meager earnings and out to her field. Perhaps if she imagined hard enough, the field would...

Dahiana yearned for a proper roof. A tin sheets roof would be durable and lasting, and it would easily shed the rain.

Woman Exchanges Drops of Misery for Sounds of Peace

GFA Featured Story

Another hard day’s work. Another argument with her husband. Another night Dahiana’s five children would go to bed hungry. Dahiana sat in the small structure they called home. Water dripped from the leaky roof above. Perhaps, as an agricultural worker, Dahiana should have been grateful for the rain...

Rosina’s little boy looked with uncontained happiness at the thick blanket covered in pink flowers from GFA World gift distribution.

Simple Gift Offers Safety for Her Sons

GFA Featured Story

Rosina’s little boy coughed, and she could hear the phlegm in his chest. Pneumonia battered his lungs. Rosina knew what to expect; it wasn’t the first time one of her two sons had gotten sick with pneumonia. “We often get sick,” Rosina says. “The most common sicknesses we...

Through GFA World Child Sponsorship Program, they gained a life-changing opportunity, building on a strong foundation of hope.

A Solid Foundation

GFA Featured Story

Kaila and Sabinna, two teenagers, live in a region where angular mountain slopes give way to vast valleys. Houses and buildings perch against steep hillsides. Perhaps the precarious location of these hamlets mirrors the ease with which families’ dreams can plummet in these Himalayan foothills. People live in...

People like Raiza are willing to walk an hour just to receive a gift of a blanket. it can be life-changing for those in need.

A Trek for Her In-laws

GFA Featured Story

With an hour’s walk through hilly terrain, Raiza had ample time to think. She had been hesitant to make the journey. Would it be worth it for a blanket? Would it just be a thin, unsubstantial piece of material? Would the church even have enough? But then Raiza...

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