Featured Stories

The GFA World child sponsorship program was dedicated to giving education to children, especially underprivileged children

Education Opens Doors for Girls Future

GFA Featured Story

Selyne, local development officer for GFA World’s Child Sponsorship Program, set out with a goal in mind. Girls in the area were typically not given the same opportunities as boys when it came to education, and that needed to change. Selyne went into the villages to do a...

Devastating illness, an unexpected encounter with GFA Pastor Adron, through the means of fervent prayer, brings the entire family to God

Devastating Illness Brings Family to God

GFA Featured Story

Ten-year-old Neina walked to the forest near her home to collect firewood. In their very remote village, they had no electricity, transportation or communication, and schools were very far away. For the most part, Neina stayed home to help her mother, Jaslyn, with household chores. For her, this...

GFA pastor Sothear gazed at the church building before him. Thirty years. He had waited 30 years for this moment, and now it was reality.

Pastor’s Prayers Answered After 30 Years

GFA Featured Story

Gospel for Asia (GFA) pastor Sothear gazed at the church building before him. A red ribbon draped across the front door. A crowd of smiling faces gathered nearby. Perhaps Sothear took a deep breath and smiled too as he took it all in. Thirty years. He had waited...

In perpetual mourning and separation, Saadet was one widow among 258 million worldwide, and she was bereft of love, helpless and alone

Wrapping Love Around a Lonely Widow

GFA Featured Story

Once again, Saadet measured out her single ration of rice. Once again, she placed it in an isolated vessel. Once again, she cooked alone. In perpetual mourning and separation, Saadet was one widow among 258 million worldwide, and she was helpless and alone. Would her plight ever change?...

A widow receives a goat from GFA World (Gospel for Asia) gift distribution, a help to alleviate poverty and feed her children

A Kid to Feed a Widow’s Kids

GFA Featured Story

Myla could hardly believe it—her beloved husband, Robi, was gone. A sudden heart attack had taken his life, and with it, her security. Her two young children had lost their father, and the weight of their care now rested solely on her shoulders. With Robi’s income as a...

With the simple gift of warmth of a blanket, you can help wrap Christ’s love around these precious individuals and help them rest well.

Seeking Warmth Among Rags

GFA Featured Story

Sagen, Raam and Balin had traveled from other states in search of jobs, looking for some way to provide for their families. They had hoped to offer their children a better life by finding stable employment. Instead, they found themselves picking through rubble for survival, shivering at night...

Nantai became a GFA missionary and began ministering in his assigned region, sharing Christ’s love with everyone around him.

Man Raised from Deathbed to Change Lives

GFA Featured Story

Nantai’s mother looked on, her heart heavy, as her son lay comatose in the hospital. He had suffered from severe dizzy spells for some time, but now his life hung in the balance, as did his soul. Nantai's parents had come to know Jesus when Nantai was a...

Millions of families in Africa and Asia at risk from mosquito-borne diseases like malaria - fighting it is possible through a mosquito net.

Fighting Malaria, One Net at A Time

GFA Featured Story

There’s a common problem in Gospel for Asia (GFA) pastor Kagan’s area, one he is all too familiar with. Born and raised in the region where he now serves, Pastor Kagan knows the effects of malaria from personal experience, and he sees many others suffer from it, too....

GFA pastors work to ensure the communities they serve can have access to the clean water they need and are finding.

Finding Water Amidst the Rocks

GFA Featured Story

Gospel for Asia (GFA World) pastor Oisin and the volunteers kept digging. Other members of the village, however, had their doubts about the project the pastor and the believers had undertaken. It wasn’t possible, they said. But Pastor Oisin and his team kept digging. They shoveled and excavated,...

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